Dapp Centre
10 min readNov 5, 2021

We held a live telegram ama session with META MOBS in our official telegram channel on 15th Oct,2021 and here is a recap for the same in case you miss the live ama session

Hello @TheScientist_1 I welcome you to an ama session with Dappcentre Official :)

Guest :- Thank you for having me here. Glad to be here.

It's our pleasure to have you amongst us today so are you ready to start the ama session with usual custom of introductory questions ??

Guest:- Yes sir. Very ready and excited.

Segment 1 – Host questions

Q1 Get us familiar with your team and tell us the journey of your team in Crypto

Guest :- Our Team has 4 core members and more that 10 people helping out in various capacities.

Myself, the Scientist, is the founder of this project. I am a Technology Management grad from one of the top university in the USA and have been helping out with crypto projects in various capacities. I consider myself to be a blockchain enthusiast and an advocate of DeFi for a long time. I have been architecting every single detail of the project from day 1 and enjoying this journey a lot .

Ekim, is the Technoking is an IT Manager who is heading the tech for MetaMobs. We have more than three people working on this right now. Ekim is a Crypto enthusiast & miner; he works on C#/, PHP, CSS, HTML, JS, Solidity, Web3, etc.

Kentoy, the Alchemist, is handling the design and creative part of the meta mobs. Ken has been in this industry for more than 15 years.

Ted, the Rockstar, runs his own marketing company and has been an integral part of this project. He has been helping with a little bit of everything.

Q2 Can you introduce us now to meta mobs and it's usecase and the reason you thought to create it ?

Guest :- MetaMobs is the first NFT trilogy that presents a classic Metaverse dystopia. It consists of three connected works of art - The Undead, The Survivors & The Cyborgs. Each has specific attributes & agendas for the Metaverse.

First, the Undead rose and laid waste to the Metaverse. Then, the Survivors of the apocalypse fought back with their improvised weapons...only to realize that they had to compete with time-traveling Cyborgs. As the war rages on, the distinctions between enemy and ally blur. Are the Undead simply invaders with an insatiable bloodlust? Are the Survivors to blame for the state of the Metaverse? Have the Cyborgs come as saviors or as subjugators? Some part of our plot is not being revealed now. We encourage the community to join MetaMobs, and choose their allegiance, to discover the plot together and make history.

The original idea was to create a play-to-earn game on the blockchain which would utilize cryptocurrencies. However, at the same time, the Team has been getting more and more interested in the NFT space. We all are very passionate about tech, design, and the value this community brings in this space; hence we decided to fork the idea into the NFT project. Meta Mobs is a project which aims to combine Art, Community, Uniqueness, the concept of DAO, Interactive plot, etc.

One of the use cases for our project is the Decision-Making Engine (DME) we are building. It is currently in the testing stage. This DME will be used for various phases of the Meta Mobs project. To start with, we will utilize this to form the Decentralized Autonomous Mobs (DAM). Revolving around the concept of a DAO, MetaMobs Decentralized Autonomous Mobs (DAM) will allow the community to elect a Mob leader and pick Governing Body/Council Members through our web3 engine called Decision Making Engine (DME). Metamobs will utilize DME for elections, future decision-making and allow players to make strategic decisions for future gameplays. DME will integrate with node.js to communicate blockchain data. The ownership and DAM are built on top of DME to provide extra utility and value proposition. Holding tokens allows you to become decision-makers for MetaMobs' future.

We believe building the Decentralized Autonomous Mobs and giving the power back to community to make decisions is the best thing we can do. The DAM use case is going to be used throughout the journey of Meta Mobs project.

Q3 Tell us your roadmap and tell the tentative date each phase will come also how can users buy your token ?

Guest :-

We believe that our Roadmap is unique. Unlike other projects which promise to develop something after the project has been minted, we plan to lock/freeze the Smart Contract until Meta Mobs Team delivers the roadmap objectives described on our website. We are doing this to walk the talk first and let the community decide the Meta Mobs team's value to the community. Hence, we plan to pause minting at 33% to

1 Form the DAM (Decentralized Autonomous Mobs)

2 Conduct election for the leader and council members of The Undead using the Decision Making Engine (DME)

3 Establish a community fund of $25,000 dedicated to supporting the talents of the Meta Mobs community

4 Get the community familiar with the DME more by allowing the Meta Mobs community to choose the next launch (The Survivors vs. The Cyborgs)

5 Do a $5000 worth Discord raffle to show our appreciation for our community.

6 Lastly, we plan to airdrop special upcoming Meta Mobs NFTs for holders with 10+ NFTs

Note this is just for when we complete minting 33%. For full Roadmap, please visit WWW.METAMOBS.COM

Our Pre-Launch is on October 31.

Minting will be over our website and smart contract itself. Please make sure to follow our discord to get gas cost analysis on the date of minting for lowest minting costs.

Q4 Nfts is becoming a really competitive field nowadays so how will you survive the competition and what's the best part of your nfts ?? How to obtain your nfts and can you give the glimpse of the gameplay??

Guest :- Yes, this is right that the NFT space is getting competitive. Therefore, the community is going to play a massive role in our success. I believe our art, plot, and idea is very unique. Our Team is highly motivated and dedicated to this project. We have been working numerous hours on this. With your support, we can do wonders. More over, we want to be fully dedicated to this as soon as we are able to hire more talent to ramp up our development work.

The best part about our project is the interactiveness we plan to bring in this project. Due to the concept of Decentralized Autonomous Mobs (DAM) and usage of the Decision Making Engine (DME), each Meta Mobs token holder can get directly involved in:

1 Building the DAM. Electing a Mob leader and pick Governing Body/Council Members for their Mobs.

2 Making future strategic decisions for the Meta Mobs project

3 Participate collectively in interactive gameplay. Gameplay development will begin after 66% minting.

I think community involvement in all strategic decisions will be very important. So that we can truly be a community focused project.

How to Obtain Meta Mobs NFTS -->

You can mint the Meta Mobs token from our website during pre-sale on October 31. Please join us on Discord, Telegram, and follow us on Twitter for regular updates to keep yourself updated.

Q5 Share in your Tokenomics and mention about locking of liquidity and locking of team tokens. Additionally mention transaction fees charged on every transaction

Guest :- Let's answer the transaction fee first. Since we are launching on ETH, there will be some gas fees that we can't ignore. Transaction fees is charged on every transaction and we do not add any fees from our side. However, we will allow our initial supporters to be able to mint during low gas price times. Please make sure to follow our discord to get gas cost analysis on the date of minting for lowest minting costs.

Post minting 100% of the tokens; we have several considerable expenses to take care of. For example, hiring the right talent so that full-time members can support our team, developing and contributing to the community, working with game development partners, and utilizing the capital to do everything what we can do to raise the floor price of Meta Mobs NFT to give our community an immediate return on investment.

Development team is getting 25% of the tickets for future development of our features.

Q6 please tell us a little more about the individual Mobs - The Undead, The Survivors and The Cyborgs. Do you have a teaser for us?

Guest :-

The Undead:
The Scientist accidentally creates a zombie plague while researching a new NFT idea. Hence, the MetaMobs project begins with the arrival of The Undead, who appears suddenly and attempts to eradicate Metaverse dwellers leaving behind a small number of Survivors. Are the Undead an evolution of existence or defenders of the Metaverse, fighting against rampant ecological damage?

There are total of 3333 Undead.
Leader - 1
Governing Body/Council Members - 10
Attributes - (Background, Cloths, Expressions, Hair, Hand Accessories, Feet, Skin)

The Survivors:
The Survivors of the zombie plague, through luck or cunning, made it through the initial chaos. They are people who lived everyday lives but have now found themselves standing against blood-thirsty zombies. They utilize ordinary objects as weapons and armor, reflecting the unforeseen state of their world. Follow us on Discord for more updates on The Survivors and The Cyborgs

The Cyborgs:
In their final hour, the Survivors find an unlikely ally in the arrival of the Cyborgs. The Cyborgs come from the future and are the close descendants of the Survivors. Do The Cyborgs hold a grudge against The Survivors because they were cybernetically enhanced for selfish motives? Did the Cyborgs come as saviors or their motivations are not entirely altruistic? Maybe they have returned with plans to reshape the future. Maybe this reshaping means that after the Undead have been taken care of, the Survivors must die?
Follow us on Discord for more updates on The Survivors and The Cyborgs

Segment 2 – Twitter questions

Q1 It is the first NFT trilogy that presents a classic Metaverse dystopia. It consists of three connected works of art each has specific attributes & agendas for the Metaverse. Explain the way players can use these nfts and is any way to evolve them and also how to obtain them ?

Guest :- Players will be able to engage in global wars and define the strategical decisions as well as getting selected as Leader or Governing Body/Council Members.

Minting will be over our website and smart contract itself. Please make sure to follow our discord to get gas cost analysis on the date of minting for lowest minting costs. We have no plans for breeding at this time or evolving.

If you would like to know more, please connect with us directly on discord. Our message option is enable so that you can directly DM us.

Q2 You have a governance feature so how you make sure it's truly democratic and team is not manipulating it and when will it be launched

Guest :- We are using an engine (DME) that is exactly built for this. Transparent and ownership of the asset is your ticket to voting. DME allows a Leader to be picked for a whole race (example The Undead); DME will be then used to pick other members to Governing Body/Council. Then selected Council players can define some crucial settings that would effect the whole race tactically. Settings are dynamic and custom for MetaMobs, Leader decision will start after %50 mint of the first race, when The Undead is half way minted. All information will be discussed over discord. We will keep you posted on every element of this.

Segment 3 – Community questions

Q1 For a project development first of all main priority is having enough fund. Does your team financially capable to run this project? Do you have enough fund for it's developement Can you tell us that how your project generate the profit?

Guest :- Our team is fully capable and highly skilled for this. Plus we are so motivated that we are working more than 14 hours a day. In project is proceeding with a very high pace. Our DME beta is ready and we plan to start the testing this weekend. Right now we are funding this project from our savings.

We do not have enough manpower or funding for the game development at this time. However post 33% mint we plan to hire more resources and ramp up our development.

We will generate initial operating expenses form 25% of the token sale and from Opensea Trades. However, sky is the limit. If the community takes the decision to release merchandise or commercial the Meta Mobs project in different ways, we would do so. Remember..this is a community project where each token holder posses the power to make decisions.

Q2 What are some upcoming milestone your project has? What is plan in the future?

Guest :- We have several upcoming milestones. The immediate milestone is our president-sale. Internal team milestone is to get the DME ready by the end of this month. We are also finalizing our Cyborgs designs and attributes (Survivors is already complete). Post mint our objectives and milestones will change to operations of this project. Like operating the DAM.

Please follow our roadmap for the milestones:

Q3 Can you share us your Social media links. Through which I can join your community and get more informations about your NFTs

Guest :- “MetaMobs is the first NFT trilogy that presents a classic Metaverse dystopia”We call this a “Trilogy” because in the fictional world of Metaverse we are a group of three related art works - The Undead, The Survivors, and the Cyborgs

We call this a “Dystopia” because the 3 Meta Mobs are in an imagined state or metaverse society in which there are no rules, there is injustice and chaos like a post-apocalyptic time. Since the 3 Meta Mobs are going to be in the war to see who will rule the metaverse, the state of society will be in a dystopia..

Best and kindest regards!




Dapp Centre

Dapp Centre is a marketing agency specializing in social media marketing & youtube influencing.